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Green is King

By in On Selling

Green lawnCentral New Jersey homeowners place high value on a quality lawn. So too does prospective homebuyers.  A healthy, plush green lawn gives a great first impression of a house. Whether you are planning to sell your home or just want it to look its best, the front lawn is often the first thing someone sees when approaching.

If your lawn is ragged and tired-looking from the hot, dry summer, fall is the time to get it back into good shape. Now through Thanksgiving is the time to aerate, seed, and fertilize your grass so roots grow deep and healthy while temperatures are moderate.

A well cared for lawn frames your house, showing others that you are maintaining your property as well as welcoming thoughts of barbeques, tossing a ball, and just general use of this great green space.  Conversely, a damaged, dry yard full of weeds is not only uninviting, but may put off potential buyers.

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